WHIPPET LITTER "U" Litter 2021
WHIPPET "O" Litter 2015
Litter 2009
September 12:
Indhira 6 months old:
Indiana 6 months old:
Ismaïlia 6 months old:
Icyana at the dog show in Macon,
not showed but training for Metz, next week:
Icyana at home "in activity" :
With friend Vita Bella:
Icyana's head on the cover of the B.A.H.C. magazine:
Inta Jeriko, after the bath:
First try on the racing track:
Ismaïlia's holydays:
On the beach:
At the swimming pool with friend Curt:
Part of the family during the National Specialty:
Indiana, Indhira, Bahiya, Istaphar:
With friends Yashim and Uncle Brunaud:
Training on the racing track:
At home with friend Crystal:

On the racing trak:
June 20:
Indhira, 14 weeks, staying at home
June 20 :
Indiana with new Mum, Florence Dewit (B)
home of Crystal du Val de Broceliande
June 4:
Ismaïlia with new Dad, Raymond Gillet (F)
(home of Curtain Call d'Hezaradjah)
Mai 23:
Icyana with new Mum, Fabienne Berset (CH)
(home of Ch. Astikali's Vita Bella)
May 15:
Istaphar with new Mum: Lydia Vanhee-Scheepmans (B)
(home of Brunaud d'Abd El Shiraz)
Inta-Jeriko, with new Mum Jeannine Eeraerts (B)
April 30:
The puppies are 7 weeks old
Bitch 1
Bitch 2
Bitch 3
Bitch 4
Dog 1
Dog 2
April 23:
The babies are 6 weeks old
Bitch 1 (red collar) cream brindle:
Bitch 2 (yellow collar) gold brindle:
Bitch 3 (blue collar) red brindle:
April 12:
The babies are 1 month old
Bitch 1 cream brindle:
Bitch 2 gold brindle:
Bitch 3 red brindle:
Bitch 4 red brindle:
Dog 1 red brindle:
Dog 2 gold with black marks:
Puppies are 3 weeks old
March 24:
Puppies 12 days
The bitches heads, the eyes are open:
March 20:
Puppies 8 days
The bitches:
The dogs:
March 17:
Bahiya & bitch 2

February 04:
1st scans of the puppies