News 2016
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Another excellent result for Oriana who finished 5th out of 21 bitches and 1st Belgian bitch (note that the first 3 ranked are bitches from the kennel of the 2 judges ...).
Favi, still in delicacy with his fingers since her double injury in Amermont, is placed 11th.
Here are a few months of well-deserved rest.

April, 16th, 2016
Good day at the international Brabo show in Anvers. Favi was placed 2nd Excellent/3 in champion class, and Oriana 2nd Excellent/3 in junior class. Our little one got also the "Admission to Breeding Certificate". Judge was L. Dehaes (B).
April, 9th & 10th, 2016
Excellent week-end for our Whippets coursing team. On Saturday in Amermont (CACIL competition) our Favi (Multi Ch. Meradith Favourite Everyone) was placed 4th and 1st bitch out of a mix entry (there were only 3 dogs, and they took the 3 first places).
At the end of the races, we try to put Oriana on a 1/2 course, and she did very well. So we came back with her on Sunday and this time she did the whole run. Like on Saturday she did very well, and she got her first "good race" for her future coursing licence !
April, 3rd, 2016
1 year already ! Happy Birthday to our Whippets "O" litter : Oriana, One Salsa, Ondine & Obama (out of Multi Ch. Jilson du Clos d'Orffeng x Multi Ch. Meradith Favourite Everyone)
One Salsa
March, 27th, 2016
After her injuries on 27/9 and 15/11, followed by 2 more during winter, Favi was finally back in coursing on 27/03/2016 at CACIL CNBCL competition in Havelange, with a beautiful 6th place out of a strong entry of 17 bitches and only 8pts ( / 600) less than the first one.
I hope that the problems are finally behind us.
March, 12th, 2016
March, 06th, 2016
Junior & Veteran Day show in Herve. Oriana was entered in junior Class and got a 1st Excellent and Best Junior. Judge was Mrs R. Reyniers from Belgium.
January, 09th, 2016
First show of the year for the Whippet team. Favi & Oriana were entered at Hoogstarten international show. Favi got a 3rd Excellent in champion class, Oriana received also an Excellent 3rd place for her first time in junior class at 9 months and 1 week. Judge was Mrs G. Veiga from Portugal