Shows 062013

JUNE 2013 (back to Shows 2013)


June, 9th, 2013

A disappointing day at the Lommel dog show.
Not only because of the results (considering the lack of entries), but mostly for the reason that brought these results.
Indeed, in Afghans, seeing the judge wincing passing his hands over
Indhira's body, I stated myself "she is a little bit thin as we participate in the european lure coursing championship in two weeks and she does really not need 3 kg of fat".
And the problem is that for some judges, when you say you work with your sighthound, you enter the ranks of the pestiferous. There were only two adult bitches, one in open class and
Indhira in champion class. And the verdict: RCAC for Indhira as "too thin"! If we had been more than two, I'm sure we would not even have had the reserve.
Another judge for Whippets:
Favi is 1st/2 in champion class (only because the other was really tall) and nothing else. I did not ask any question, but I also guess that she was also too thin with muscles too apparent !

Indhira and Favi, They are just as they should be for a major sporting event, and as a really working sighthound must be. I'm starting to get tired of judges who prefer sighthounds to which the greatest effort is to move  from the sofa to their bowlwhile they have in the same ring dogs who are both beauty and working champions, and who, seems to me, should be THE dogs that REALLY correspond to the standard.