NOVEMBER 2011 (back to Shows 2011)
November 19th & 20th, 2011
Indhira, and Favi were entered this week-end both days in Kortrijk. On Saturday, it was the CRBL Specialty. In the breeder class, Indhira received #1 Excellent from Mrs Schwerm-Hahne (D), and was placed #3 B.I.S. Breeder Class. Favi was shown for the first time in Working Class. She received #1 Excellent from M. Belkin (Ru) and was B.I.S. Working Class. Indiana, entered in Open Class, received only a Very Good, despite a excellent presentation by Florence.
On Sunday, it was the CACIB Eurodogshow, Indhira received only an Excellent non placed in a strong class of 7 beutiful champion bitches from M. Belkin (I didn't show her myself because Favi had to be on the whippet ring exactly at the same moment, and, as friend Mariella showed another bitch in the same class, she was not available either). Favi was placed #3 Excellent in Intermediate Class. Judge for Whippets was M. Da Silva (P).
Part of the championclass bitch, Indhira with Stefaan :
November 6th, 2011
Indhira, and Favi were entered this Sunday in Luxembourg.
Indhira was placed #3 / 8 in a strong champion class. Thanks to friend Mariëlla for wonderful handling while I was on the other ring with Favi at the same moment. The judge for Afghans was Mrs Wild (CH).
Favi received only a Very Good, non placed, from Mr Heinesche (L).
Icyana, for her, was entered in Open Class in Varese. She added a new CAC and a new CACIB to her list !!! The judge was M. Asnaghi (I). Well done, girl !
She was also 1st in Junior Handling competition with a young girl very promissing ! (Click on: Insubria Domenica - Junior Handling 1)